Blender application templates
Blender application templates

blender application templates

We make the world’s best 3D technology available as open source tools for artists, or for short, the Freedom to Create. The rest of the post reads like a wish-list bound to make all CG and VFX artists excited for the future of Open Source content creation spearheaded by Blender, with a re-affirmation of its mission statement: The global vision outlined in the article is to cement the direction and momentum established with the 2.8 via meticulous documentation and clear design paradigms, and make what works work even better.

blender application templates

Here is a link explaining blender's new versioning system. The Blog post starts with a bit of Blender history to reframe and put into perspective the importance of this release: Blender 2.0 was announced at Siggraph in August 2000, meaning that the tenure of the venerable 2.x series will come to a close after more than 20 years! Moving forward, the release numbering system has been updated, with one major release expected every 2 years, peppered with 8 ".x" releases during this cycle, two of which are LTS versions. What will everyone at be working on in the coming years? Read the Blender 3.x roadmap proposal by Ton Roosendaal.

blender application templates

With the milestone release of Blender 3.0 just entering beta stage, Blender Foundation Chairman Ton Roosendaal takes this opportunity to release a massive post on the Blender Code Blog outlining the proposed roadmap for the ground-breaking 3.x series.

Blender application templates